Budget and Management Services
The Department of Budget and Management Services (DBMS) prepares, manages and executes the County budget. To increase efficiency and budget savings, it also evaluates and analyzes performance data to recommend potential improvements. Additionally, the department prepares budgets for federal, state, and private grants.
DBMS prepares and manages the Cook County budget pursuant to state statutes and Cook County ordinance that govern the budget and budget processes, including the reliance on zero-based and performance-based metrics to inform budgetary decision making.
In recognition of its efforts, the County has received the Government Finance Officers Award of Distinguished Budget Presentation multiple times and has been awarded special recognition for use and discussion of performance measures. This award represents the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting aimed at honoring recipients that have pioneered efforts to improve the quality of budgeting and set high standards for other governments throughout the country.
The County is also committed to streamlining grant processes while improving fiscal controls in order to remain current with Federal and State reforms. As granting agencies continue to reform processes emphasizing the importance of performance outcomes, the County will also continue incorporating improvements, specifically in the areas of grant reporting and accountability and sub-recipient and grantee contracting.
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