Community Solar Case Study Site: 7200 S. Kimbark
Proposed Business Case: Rooftop Distributed Generation
7200 S. Kimbark
The 7200 S. Kimbark building is home to the Theaster Gates Studios, formerly known as the Black Cinema House. This property has a new, flat 24,000 square foot roof.
Initial LiDAR assessments suggested as much as 150 kW of potential solar capacity. However, after the structural assessment and more exact solar design, the maximum solar capacity on this roof is only 45 kW. This is after introducing awning mounts on the southern side of the property into the design, without which only 36 kW could be installed. The primary obstacle to additional capacity was the many smaller vent and HVAC obstructions, which make contiguous panel placement mostly impossible. For these reasons, the project team recommends a behind the meter, distributed generation system.
7200 S Kimbark: Synopsis
7200 S Kimbark: Synopsis
7200 S Kimbark: Solar Design
7200 S Kimbark: Financial Model - Host Owned
7200 S Kimbark: Financial Model PPA