Business Enterprise Development Form Library

This is your one-stop-shop for Business Enterprise Development forms. Below you will find information on the various documents you may need for doing business with Cook County. This page is a central repository for all our forms. You will find downloadable links and helpful guidance on this page. Click on each document tab for a description and downloadable link of each document. At all times, staff is available to assist in understanding the process, filling out forms and in searching for certified M/W/DBE businesses.
OCC sets MBE, WBE or DBE goals on most Cook County and Cook County Health contracting opportunities. Where a M/W/DBE goal is assigned, any bidder or proposer must document its commitment to meeting the Contract specific MBE, WBE or DBE participation goals by submitting a Utilization Plan (Form 1) with the bid or proposal. The Utilization Plan details which M/W/DBE firms are to be utilized on the contract; what work the M/W/DBE will be doing; the percentage of the total contract value assigned to the M/W/DBE firm and the dollar amount to be paid to the M/W/DBE firm(s).
The Utilization Plan shall include one or more Letter(s) of Intent (Form 2) from each of the M/W/DBE firms that will perform on the contract; and (2) current Letters of Certification for each M/W/DBE firm showing its certification as such. If the M/WBE firm is certified by Cook County, then only the current certification letter is required.
If a Bidder/Proposer is unable to meet the M/W/DBE goals assigned to the contract, the Bidder or Proposer shall submit a written Petition for Waiver and Good Faith Efforts Transparency Report (Form 3) and the Good Faith Efforts Transparency Report Guide (Form 4) attached to the bid, quotation or proposal that demonstrate its Good Faith Efforts to meet the M/W/DBE goal; an explanation of its inability to meet the goals for MBE, WBE or DBE participation; and documents in support thereof. Forms 1,2 and/or 3 and 4 shall be submitted at the time that the bid or proposal is due.
If a Bidder/Proposer is unable to meet the M/W/DBE goals assigned to the contract, the Bidder or Proposer shall submit a written Petition for Waiver and Good Faith Efforts Transparency Report (Form 3) and the Good Faith Efforts Transparency Report Guide (Form 4) attached to the bid, quotation or proposal that demonstrate its Good Faith Efforts to meet the M/W/DBE goal; an explanation of its inability to meet the goals for MBE, WBE or DBE participation; and documents in support thereof. Forms 1,2 and/or 3 and 4 shall be submitted at the time that the bid or proposal is due.
There is a $250 fee for Schedule A Applications for MBE and WBE certifications. VBE, SDVBE and PDBE certifications are free. If you are applying for multiple certifications you apply for both on a single application, and if any certification is free, then all other certifications are free (ex. You are applying for MBE, WBE and PDBE, all certifications are free).
Before you begin the application, review the Document Checklist and gather every document on the list.
Click to view the Document Checklist for first time applicants (Schedule A)
Cook County Contract Compliance no longer requires a Recertification Affidavit as of June 1, 2023.
There is a $250 fee for Schedule A Applications for MBE and WBE certifications. VBE, SDVBE and PDBE certifications are free. If you are applying for multiple certifications you apply for both on a single application, and if any certification is free, then all other certifications are free (ex. You are applying for MBE, WBE and PDBE, all certifications are free).
Before you begin the application, review the Document Checklist and gather every document on the list.
Click to view the Document Checklist for No-Change Affidavits
Cook County Contract Compliance no longer requires a Recertification Affidavit as of June 1, 2023.
Cook County offers MBE and WBE credit to City of Chicago certified MBEs and WBEs. If your business is certified with the City of Chicago as an MBE or WBE, when bidding on a Cook County contract attach your City of Chicago certification letter and an executed Cook County Reciprocal Certification Affidavit affirming that your firm meets the SBA size Standards for the NAICS codes under which your business is certified and that the personal net worth of the majority owner(s) of your firm is under $2,767,082.23.
Click to download the Cook County Reciprocal Certification Affidavit.
Cook County offers a 5% bid preference to Cook County certified VBEs and SDVBEs and to CMS certified VOSBs and SDVOSBs. All CMS certified VOSBs and SDVOSBs that wish to request the bid preference must attach the State of Illinois VOSB/SDVOSB certification letter and the Cook County Veteran Bid Preference Reciprocity Affidavit.
Click to download the Cook County Veteran Bid Preference Reciprocity Affidavit.
Cook County offers a 5% bid preference to Cook County certified PDBEs. All Cook County certified PDBEs that wish to request the bid preference must attach their Cook County PDBE Certification.
Click to download the PDBE Physician Affidavit (Required for certification)
Click to Apply for Certification.
As the certification and compliance authority for Cook County, the Office of Contract Compliance (OCC) maintains the highest commitment to diversity, equity and transparency while continuously expanding resources and programs that empower small businesses to become involved in contracting opportunities.
Click to download a helpful fact sheet on our certification program.