Bike Plan

Cook County has announced the completion of its first-ever Bike Plan. Click here to read the Bike Plan.
Priorities laid out in the County's Bike Plan include:
- Increasing everyday cycling by connecting existing bike infrastructure to major destinations
- Creating a core low-stress bike network to ensure riders feel comfortable
- Making bike lanes and paths more accessible to residents through equitable investments
The County's Bike Plan recommended enhancements include 90 miles of new off-street paved trails, 150 miles of new sidepaths and at least 230 miles of new on-street bike routes. Once fully implemented, the plan ensures that 96% of County residents will live less than a mile from a bike path or lane suitable for any rider or ability level.
The plan outlines ways the County will build bike infrastructure along roadways under DoTH’s jurisdiction, make connections within the existing trail network to eliminate gaps, study potential areas where new off-street trails can be installed, provide support to municipalities looking to add bike routes on residential streets and partner with agencies to make intersections safer for cyclists, especially in areas where bike paths cross major roads.
Bike Plan App
Click here to use the new Web App to explore the Bike Plan’s network of existing and recommended bicycle facilities and proposed study areas throughout Cook County. The interactive web-based tool is intended to support bicycle planning for residents, municipal staff and others who are interested in Cook County’s network of low-stress bicycle facilities. Pan, zoom and click in the Web App to find existing and recommended bicycle facilities, or search by municipality and Cook County Commissioner District.