Open Data and Transparency News

The Cook County Board today approved a partnership between the Bureau of Technology and Smart Chicago Collaborative that will expand the open data the County provides and make it easier for the public to access.

Cook County has eliminated charges for its Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data, making it free and more accessible to the public. Starting January 1, 2014, users will no longer have to pay for GIS data, which includes map and map-making inform
Many private companies tout the service level they provide their customers— from product quality assurance to customer response time. You utilize government services every day.
Lobbyists were paid $1.46 million during the first half of 2013 as they attempted to influence Cook County elected officials and high-ranking employees, Cook County Clerk David Orr announced Tuesday. The 195 active lobbyists in Cook County earned $1

The second in a series of 3 articles on how Cook County Government is embracing the idea of innovative leadership to provide fiscally responsible, improved government services.