Taxes News

I am grateful to Chairman Daley and the Commissioners who supported the revenue proposal we brought today before the Finance Committee.

A package of Home Rule Tax Ordinance reforms aimed at providing individuals and businesses with a simplified process while improving the efficiency of the Cook County Department of Revenue (CCDOR) were approved by the Cook County Board of…

Thirty-eight taxing districts across Cook County were approved for 420 No Cash Bid purchases as part of the county’s No Cash Bid Program, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle announced today.

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle today announced the results of her administration’s crack down on illegal cigarette sales.

The Cook County Board today approved an amendment that would lower the tax rate for many individuals who park in garages and lots. Commissioners approved a 6 percent tax rate for daily parking and a 9 percent rate for weekly and monthly parking.