
Recent News

Community shared solar power brings equity, jobs and protects the environment
Building on continuing efforts to crack down on the illegal cigarette trade, Cook County Department of Revenue (CCDOR) agents, in cooperation with the Sheriff’s Police, this week raided a Skokie business and discovered more than 1,500 unstamped pa
On June 29, 2017, Cook County submitted a legal opinion to DOJ certifying compliance with federal law, specifically 8 U.S.C. §1373.
Cook County today added another $200,000-plus in telecommunications (telecom) savings as a result of initiatives undertaken by President Toni Preckwinkle’s Bureau of Technology (BOT) that have already yielded telecom spending cuts of more than a m
Today the board exercised its collective will and set in motion a repeal of the sweetened beverage tax we approved last year.