
Recent News

Today, Cook County Board President applauded legislative efforts in Springfield benefitting residents of Cook County.
Today, June 1, all provisions of the Residential Tenant Landlord Ordinance (RTLO), legislation which, for the first time, provides protections for the more than 245,000 suburban renter households and their landlords, goes into effect.
Coyote mating and whelping season is coming to a close, but coyotes could still be more visible and aggressive while they wean new pups.
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle today joined a coalition of suburban mayors and other local leaders to support the systemic reforms proposed in the Homeowner Relief and Community Recovery Act.
Today, Cook County Commissioners approved four proposals from President Toni Preckwinkle’s Bureau of Economic Development (BED) that will provide tax incentives to businesses in Cook County.