
The pardon of former Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio is just another example of President Trump’s growing list of racist, bigoted and xenophobic statements and actions.

With the governor’s signature today, the Youth Opportunity and Fairness Act (HB 3817/SB 2021), our latest effort at reforming and modernizing juvenile justice, is now law.

Cook County Animal and Rabies Control urges Cook County residents to vaccinate their pets against rabies after a kitten tested positive for rabies in Carroll County IL. 

Gov. Bruce Rauner has made clear that he thinks it’s a winning political message to divide Chicago Public Schools students, like my three grandchildren, from other Illinois students.

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle today announced she is naming Ammar Rizki as the County’s next Chief Financial Officer, pending Board of Commissioners’ approval.