Board of Ethics Board Meetings & Members
The Board of Ethics is composed of five members appointed by the President of the Cook County Board of Commissioners with the advice and consent of the Cook County Board of Commissioners. The current Board of Ethics Members are:
- Marvis Barnes
- Seth Rau, Chair
- Hon. Rachael Sinnen, Vice Chair
Meetings of the Board of Ethics
The Board of Ethics holds regular meetings at 69 W. Washington Street, 22nd Floor, Chicago, Illinois. Please refer to the meeting notice for room details.
The Board of Ethics typically meets the second Thursday of every other month (unless designated otherwise) at 2:00 p.m. However, meeting times vary based on operational needs and the availability of the appointees. Please contact the Board of Ethics to verify the meeting time and date.
Public speakers shall provide, in writing, their name and intent to give comment to the Board by 9:00 am on the scheduled Board meeting date. All presentations are limited to a maximum of five (5) minutes.
Public speakers or written testimony shall not include the use of vulgar, abusive, discriminatory, or otherwise profane language when addressing the Board. Failure to abide by any of the provisions set forth herein may be grounds for denial of the opportunity to make a public statement before the Board and expulsion from the meeting.
Please submit a Notice of Public Statement by completing this form.
Next Meeting
(Please note: the Meeting Notice and Agenda are published 48 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting.)
Public Meeting Notice | Rescheduling February 20, 2025
Meeting Agenda | February 19, 2025
Click here to join the meeting
Meetings of the Cook County Board of Ethics are open to the public, which are accessible via Microsoft Teams. If you need a sign language interpreter or any other assistance, please contact the Board at least 72 hours prior to the date of the scheduled meeting.