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This commonsense legislation will allow individuals who are already driving to work, school and worship services to continue to do so in Cook County without fear of unnecessary and costly incarceration.
As the clerk in Illinois' most populous county, I urge all legislators to support the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act sponsored by Representative Greg Harris and Senator Heather Steans.
Originally published in the January 3, 2013 edition of Though the name “Gully Walkers” vaguely suggests a band of restless apparitions or the title of a Disney movie, it’s really Friends of the Chicago River’s newest volunteer opportunity,
Originally published in the January 3, 2013 edition of Just a few days ago, many of us made New Year’s resolutions. Very often, we choose resolutions that address something fundamental and ambitious—to get healthy, work harder, be nicer.
Stephen Pyo and Angela McKinney were so determined to obtain Cook County's first marriage license of 2013 they lined up two hours before Clerk David Orr's office opened on Wednesday morning. We wanted to start off the new year right, Pyo said. Dres