211 Metro Chicago
Service Information

Launched in January 2023, 211 Metro Chicago is a free, 24-hour helpline linking Cook County residents to crucial resources, including:
- housing
- food
- utility-payment assistance
- mental-health and substance-use services
- ... and more!
Users can reach the helpline by:
- calling 2-1-1
- texting their ZIP code to 898-211
- visiting 211metrochicago.org for a searchable resource directory and live chat support
The County partners with the City of Chicago and United Way of Metro Chicago on 211 Metro Chicago.
This collaborative effort also collects data, while always respecting and protecting the confidentiality of individuals, that will help local institutions identify, plan for and better meet residents’ needs.
211 Metro Chicago snapshot
As of December 2024:
- 211 Metro Chicago reached its two-year goal of over 200,000 live contacts and web searches in September 2024--four months ahead of schedule
- The average wait time per contact is less than 30 seconds
- An average of 2.8 referrals are provided per contact
- Contacts report a 91-percent satisfaction rate
For more information, contact Cook County Bureau of Economic Development public information officer Kyle Garmes at kyle.garmes@cookcountyil.gov.