Transforming Places

Transforming Places is a pilot program focused on place-based, community-driven, sustainable economic development in Cook County municipalities, and addresses the need for increased investment in historically excluded communities.
Cook County partners with United Way of Metro Chicago on the program, which launched in 2023 and supports United Way's Neighborhood Networks Initiative.
Cook County and United Way collaborate with a "community quarterback" organization in each community, developing a vision focused on affordable housing, family wrap-around services, business ownership, arts and culture, and more.
Cook County has committed $15 million from its Equity Fund on this effort.
For more information, visit United Way's Neighborhood Networks page.
Through July 2024, Transforming Places had supported the creation or expansion of Neighborhood Networks in:
- Blue Island/Robbins (community quarterback: Metropolitan Family Services)
- Ford Heights/Chicago Heights (community quarterback: Cornerstone Community Development Corporation)
- Harvey (community quarterback: Restoration Ministries)
- Park Forest/Richton Park (community quarterback: OAI, Inc.)
- Summit (community quarterback: SGA Youth and Family Services)
For more information on Transforming Places, email Cook County Bureau of Economic Development public information officer Kyle Garmes at