Property and Housing

Building and Zoning

Building and Zoning Contractor Registration

Contractor RegistrationNew(For all Electrical and Plumbing Contractor Registrations, see Electrical and Plumbing Contractor Registration Req…
Building and Zoning

Building and Zoning E-Permits

Electronic Permits-Apply Online! The Department of Building and Zoning is launching a new service for the residents and businesses located…
Building and Zoning

Building and Zoning Multi Dwelling Units

Multi Dwelling RegistrationAny building that has more than four residential units including condominiums (NEWLY ADOPTED AS OF 2015 SEC102-10…
Building and Zoning

Building and Zoning Payments

Online Payment Service The Department of Building and Zoning is now accepting payments for many of its services. Please make sure you have…
Building and Zoning

Building and Zoning Residential Rental License

Cook County Residential Rental License Ordinance On June 29th 2016, the Cook County Board of Commissioners passed the Rental Dwelling Ordin…
Building and Zoning

Building and Zoning Vacant Building Ordinance

Cook County Vacant Building Ordinance - OnlineIf I own a vacant building in unincorporated Cook County, what do I need to do?
Building and Zoning

Building and Zoning Violations

Violation ProcessingProperties within unincorporated Cook County Property, when found to be in violation of the following:
Land Bank Authority

Buy Land Bank Property

The Cook County Land Bank Authority (CCLBA) is accepts pre-qualification applications from individuals and organization who are interested i…
Planning and Development

Disaster Recovery and Resilience - CDBG-DR

The U.S.
Land Bank Authority

Donate or Convey Land to the Land Bank Authority

The Cook County Land Bank Authority (CCLBA) is accepting pre-qualification applications from individuals and organizations who are intereste…
Environment and Sustainability

Energy Efficiency

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle has committed to reducing 80% of greenhouse gas emissions in Cook County by 2050. Based on…
Environment and Sustainability

Healthy Homes for Healthy Families

 Cook County Healthy Homes for Healthy FamiliesCook County has allocated $30 million to establis…
Commission on Human Rights

Human Rights Training Videos & Resources

Fair Housing Video CollectionJust Housing Amendment Screening ProcessThe purpose of this video is to outline the three-step screening proces…
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Maps and Geospatial Data

Cook Central: Centralizing Maps, Apps, and Data From property and boundary data, to transportation, social service, and environmental data,…
Planning and Development

Planning and Development: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

Fair Housing StrategyAs a recipient of funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Cook County Department o…
Planning and Development

Planning and Development: Affordable Housing

The Freedom's Path development at the Hines VA Hospital in west suburban Cook County provides afforda…
Planning and Development

Planning and Development: Community Development

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) ProgramThe Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is the primary community development pr…

Property Assessment Appeals

The County Assessor accepts appeals to property assessment, classification, or exemptions and oversees decisions reached for changes.These a…

Property Tax Exemptions

Property tax exemptions are provided for owners with the following situations:
Office of the President

Property Tax Reform Group

In October 2023, the Office of the President published "Property Taxes in Cook County: Introduction to Reform" written by the Cook County Pr…
Public Administrator

Public Administrator Services

The Public Administrator for each of Illinois' 102 counties is a State Official, appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of th…
Commission on Human Rights

Residential Tenant Landlord Ordinance

The Cook County RTLO provides renters’ rights and landlord protections to Cook County suburban residents. This ordinance went into effect on…
Veterans Affairs

Veteran Homeowner Exemptions

Veterans Homeowner ExemptionsThe Cook County Assessor’s Office administers property tax exemptions that may contribute to lowering veteran's…
Building and Zoning

Zoning Ordinance Administration

Zoning Ordinance AdministrationAdministration of the zoning ordinance shall be exercised through a person in the Department of Building and…